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Upcoming Services

Sundays - 8 AM

Sunday, January 19 in-person moved to Zoom
Traditional Worship, no music

Sundays - 10 AM

Friends & Family Service with music & livestreamed

The Peace Light

On December 8, Jim Hunter led scouts in the lighting of the Peace Candle. The Scouts carried in a lit candle, and they gathered around the Peace Candle, where Jim read the following.

Origins of the Bethlehem Flame

Dear Friends, The flame of this lantern originated in the city of Bethlehem. The Church of the Nativity maintains a flame that has been kept lit for centuries. This is the Bethlehem Peace Light, symbolizing peace, love, and goodness. 

How the Peace Light Spread


Sharing the Peace Light began in 1986. A radio station in Austria began a charitable relief mission for children in need. This mission was called the Light into Darkness.

Since then, every year before Christmas, a chosen child lights a flame from the Bethlehem Peace Light. The flame is flown to Austria in a blast proof miner’s lantern, where the distribution is begun to deliver the light of Peace to as many communities as possible.

At first the light was primarily distributed in Europe. By train, bus, car, and bicycle, it would travel from city to city. In 2004 Austrian Airlines began transporting the Bethlehem Peace Light to New York by air.

However, this year the flame was not collected from Bethlehem because of the war in Israel.

Personal Tradition, Community Helpers

In years past, when the flame was shared with me, I would relight my water heater. That insured that the Peace Light would not be extinguished. This year’s flame was lit from that light.

Today my assistants are Bryce Korbuly and Ian Korbuly, 8 am service. Teddy Haizlip-Melrose, Carolyn Haizlip-Melrose, Emilia Holthus, Lianna Holthus, Nate Cissal, Andy Cissal, Catalina, and Julia.


Message of Hope

This light gives us hope, that even though there is much darkness in the world, ​we can still see signs of loving and peaceful community. We can still see people living together in harmony, and working for peace and justice.

Please receive the light of this lantern as a visible reminder of the mission we share. As believing people, our mission is to keep the hope of peace alive in our world, our communities, and our homes. May the peace symbolized by this light touch all of us today.

A Prayer for Peace

We offer a prayer of peace from the Book of Common Prayer for today, this week, and always.

Almighty God, kindle, we pray, in every heart the true love of peace, and guide with your wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth, that in tranquility your dominion may increase until the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love;  

through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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